As we engage the spiritual journey, we grow in love, freedom, authenticity, joy, surrender, integration, relationship, and the “more” that God is always offering.
What is a Moments of Grace & Prayer retreat?
These are individually directed retreats made during the course of everyday life. In other words, each retreat is personalized to what you are hoping for, whether that is to make more time for prayer, to learn new ways to pray, to pray about a certain issue in your life, deepen your personal relationship with Jesus, or to receive whatever God is offering to you at this time.
Retreats are offered for a duration ranging from one week to one month. Pray on your own each day and meet privately with a spiritual companion four or five times during the course of the retreat. Your spiritual companion will listen with love and affirmation, offer questions that will lead you deeper into your prayer experiences and offer prayer suggestions for the coming week.
Who Can Make These Retreats?
Everyone is welcome to participate in this retreat, no exceptions. Couples in committed relationships have the option of meeting as a couple with a spiritual companion, rather than separately.
Why Make this Retreat?
Here is what some retreatants have said about their experience:
“I was feeling that my prayer life was in a rut. Now my spiritual/prayer life has started a new, fresh chapter I hope will unfold for years to come.”
“This retreat is so practical – integrating my spiritual life and my work life with simple prayer techniques I can use on a daily basis.”
“This retreat improved my prayer life more than anything else I have ever done.”
“This ministry is far more valuable and important than most will ever realize. Seeing or being aware of God’s presence in everyday life is a gift.”
“This ministry feeds a deep need for spiritual nourishment and encouragement. The sessions are like an exercise class for the soul and spirit. As with a physical exercise class, one benefits during the sessions, however, the benefits continue to unfold afterward.”
“One of the most wonderful things about my companion was her ability to find God and love where I initially saw none, in fact she found God and blessings where I found shame. Turned that shame on its head.”
Some Other Details
The retreat begins on a Sunday, where there is prayer as a group and each participant meets their spiritual companion (lasts about 90 minutes). Closing of the retreat is celebrated as a group and lasts about 90 minutes. One may still participate in the retreat if not able to attend the opening and/or closing gatherings.
There is no registration fee, but retreatants are invited to share the costs of the retreat as they are able. Regarding offering amount, the average cost for each retreatant is about $55. Some retreatants contribute less and some contribute more. Offerings will be accepted once the retreat has begun. Your tax-deductible offerings help support the continuation of this ministry.