Take the next step on your spiritual journey.
Join a retreat, from right where you are, just as you are.
What is a Moments of Grace & Prayer retreat?
These individually directed retreats are made during the course of everyday life. Each retreat is personalized to what you are hoping for, whether that is to make more time for prayer, to learn new ways to pray, to pray about a certain issue in your life, deepen your personal relationship with Jesus, or to receive whatever God is offering to you at this time.
During a month-long retreat, pray on your own each day and meet privately with an assigned spiritual companion once a week. Your spiritual companion will listen with love and affirmation, offer questions to guide you in seeking God, and offer prayer suggestions for the coming week.

Upcoming Retreats
All Things New
February 2 through March 2, 2025
(Offered Virtually and In Person in Town & Country, Missouri)
Month of Grace & Prayer hosted by Dayspring Baptist Church.
Be refreshed and renewed during this retreat-in-everyday-life. Jesus offers living water to all who are thirsty. Come, taste and see!
Discover the sacred in the ordinary
Explore new ways of praying
“I attended a Moments of Grace & Prayer retreat last fall and was really moved by the experience. A few members of my congregation participated, as well as a friend of mine who lives in Germany who could meet remotely! What a powerful experience of the Holy Spirit showing up through real people in a caring community.”
Rev. Cheryl Walenta-Gorvie
Gethsemane Lutheran Church, St. Louis, Missouri
What’s in a name?
Our experience over the past twenty-nine years is that grace happens during these prayer retreats, both in ways that are familiar and in ways that are surprising. We welcome these surprises from God! In the midst of everyday life—while washing the dishes, sitting in traffic, walking the dog, or during a dream—we encounter the Holy during these ordinary moments… of grace and prayer.